Dr. Blake Williamson First Louisiana Eye Surgeon to Use iStent for Glaucoma Management – The Smallest Medical Device Ever Implanted


The Williamson Eye Center is pleased to announce that our very own Dr. Blake Williamson has become the first eye doctor in Louisiana to utilize the iStent® Inject procedure for the management of glaucoma symptoms.

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, often referred to as “the silent thief of sight”. Glaucoma occurs when aqueous fluid, which the eye continually produces, is unable to exit the eye due to a blocked drainage point. As fluid pressure builds, vision is slowly and irreversibly damaged. There is no cure for glaucoma, but early detection and management of symptoms can help to greatly reduce discomfort and vision damage caused by the disease.

The iStent® Inject Procedure

The iStent® inject is the world’s smallest medical device, made up of microscopic implants that assist in the management of ocular pressure. This pressure is managed by the implants because they create a channel through which the eye is able to drain pressure-causing fluid. Once implanted in the eye, iStent® inject can effectively lower intraocular pressure and patients may experience a reduction in reliance on glaucoma medication (at the discretion of eye care professionals).

iStent implant

The iStent® procedure is minimally invasive, and is implanted during cataract surgery. On Wednesday, August 29, 2018, Dr. Blake Williamson became the first ophthalmologist in the state of Louisiana to use the procedure in the management of glaucoma symptoms for a patient.

By creating a permanent bypass through the primary blockage site (trabecular meshwork), iStent® inject is designed to:

  • Improve the eye’s natural fluid outflow to safely lower intraocular pressure
  • Work continuously to improve the natural flow of eye fluid in the eye


Candidates for the iStent Procedure

The best candidates for the iStent implants are adults that have been diagnosed both with mild to moderate open-angle glaucoma, as well as cataracts.

To learn more about this ground-breaking event, read the full WAFB article here. If you believe you or a loved one may be a candidate for the iStent procedure in Louisiana, contact us online today or call 225-924-2020 to schedule your consultation.

Williamson Eye Center team